(图源:US Weekly视频资料图)↑↑点击播放音频↑↑比伯为愚人节玩笑道歉Justin Bieber apologises for April Fool’s Day pregnancy prank近日,比伯为自己愚人节谎称妻子海莉怀孕这个玩笑道歉了。
” 几小时后,比伯又po了一张将胎儿替换成小狗的图片。
(戳这里回顾)Justin Bieber has apologised for pretending his wife Hailey Bieber was pregnant on April Fool’s Day after the couple faced backlash for the “insensitive” joke.On Instagram, Bieber shared a screenshot of an article about the prank, writing: “There’s always gonna be people offended, there’s also people who don’t take jokes very well, I am a prankster and it was APRIL FOOLS.“I didn’t at all mean to be insensitive to people who can’t have children. A lot of people I know, their first go-to prank on April Fool’s is telling their parents they are pregnant to get a big reaction.“But I will apologise anyway and take responsibility and say sorry to people who were offended. I truly don’t want anyone to be hurt by a prank.”On Monday, Bieber uploaded a photo of a sonogram to Instagram, and then another photo that appeared to show Hailey at the doctor’s office, implying that she was pregnant, which he captioned: “If U thought it was April fools.”Hours later, the “Sorry” singer ended the joke with a third photo, in which the foetus in the sonogram was replaced with a puppy.马上学:Prankster表示“恶作剧的人”、“顽皮的人”。
霉霉戴了这枚戒指,粉丝认为好事将近Fans think Taylor Swift wore a ring with boyfriend Joe Alwyn’s initials 前不久,霉霉参加了音乐剧改编电影《猫》在伦敦的完工派对,在与合作明星埃里克•安德伍德的同框照中,粉丝们一眼就发现霉霉手上的戒指造型好似JA,大家惊呼:这不是霉霉男友的乔•阿尔文名字的首字母大写嘛~ 于是,粉丝们纷纷展开联想认为两人好事将近。
So hard to tell! Taylor Swift sported a ring that looked like it had boyfriend Joe Alwyn’s initials on it at the Cats movie wrap party on March 30.The “Delicate” songstress, 29, put the bling on full display as she posed with costar Eric Underwood at the event at White City House in London. “And that’s all folks with @taylorswift,” the professional ballet dancer captioned the Instagram picture with Swift, who stunned in a leopard-print dress. Though fans were quick to point out that the ring looked like it had the letters J and A on it, the piece of jewelry actually represents angel wings, and was gifted to Swift for performing at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show twice.Though Alwyn, 28, didn’t accompany Swift to the party, the subtle jewelry, could foreshadow an upcoming engagement ring. “Taylor isn’t interested in a big obnoxious ring,” an insider exclusively told Us Weekly. “She’d like something elegant and simple.”马上学:Obnoxious意为“不愉快的、令人讨厌的”,近义词有loathing , contemptible等。
凯莉•詹纳回应“最年轻亿万富翁”质疑Billionaire Kylie Jenner admits she isn’t fully self-made上个月初,据《福布斯》统计,21岁的凯莉•詹娜成为最年轻的白手起家亿万富翁,打破了Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格曾于23岁创下的纪录。
Earlier last month, Forbes crowned Kylie Jenner the youngest self-made billionaire of all time, which means she beat out Mark Zuckerberg for the record. But some people were none too pleased with the “self-made” portion of Kylie’s new title, because she is part of the most famous family in America.Kylie previously responded to critics in an interview, saying, “The self-made thing is true,” adding that Kris Jenner and Caitlyn Jenner “cut her off at the age of 15.” She went on to share, “My parents told me I needed to make my own money, it’s time to learn how to save and spend your own money, stuff like that. What I’m trying to say is, I did have a platform, but none of my money is inherited.”However, in a new interview with The New York Times, Kylie shared some thoughts on becoming the youngest self-made billionaire ever.“I can’t say I’ve done it by myself,” Kylie admitted. “If they’re just talking finances, technically, yes, I don’t have any inherited money. But I have had a lot of help and a huge platform.”马上学:Self-made在本文中表示“白手起家的”、“靠个人奋斗成功的”。
综合来源:The Independent, US Weekly, Cosmopolitan本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑Joe Willets朗读

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