After years of speculation, rumors, development and testing, Carvin and legendary guitar virtuoso Steve Vai are proud to introduce the new Vai Legacy II Series amplifiers. These all-tube 3-channel amps are the result of countless hours of design and development by Carvin engineers, working closely with Steve Vai. Additionally, the Legacy II has been reviewed and “tweaked” by renowned amp designer Benjamin Fargen of Fargen Amps. According to Benjamin Fargen, the result is “a powerful blend of high-end boutique sound and rock-solid American manufacturing.”大概意思是,在carvin工程师与vai多年的合作和努力研究和测试后,VAI的签名音箱Vai Legacy II终于横空出世了。(3通道全电子管)”The Legacy II is a dream amp. It’s simple, versatile and the sound is creamy and warm. Finally there is an amplifier that has a Master Volume control that can raise or lower the overall sound coming out of the speakers without changing its saturation or tone. Although the sound has retained the integrity of the original Legacy, there is now an added channel that acts as a boost on the clean channel giving it a bit more hair. No need to keep dreaming, it’s here.” – Steve Vai VAI说了,这个箱子非常梦幻,声音犹如奶油般甜美而温暖。一个MASTER VOL.钮可以改变音量大小而并不改变其饱和度和基调(大概意思是声音小的时候电子管音色特点依然发挥的淋漓尽致)。Vai Legacy II 尽管是在原版Legacy上发展而来,但是它增添了一个通道作为提升clean tone通道来使用。
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