我根本不想看中日关系的话题,以August Hayek这个人为例,他有300多条回答,只要涉及到中国的,每一条都要强调:It is the Han Chinese that attacked Japan first.是我们先袭击的日本,你敢信?民国那么衰落的情况下,居然是中国首先袭击的日本,你敢信?然后整个汉族建立的王朝就变成了“西汉东汉外加明朝”,没了,就这,唐宋?哎?还存在这两个王朝?然后“白人被汉人洗脑”是勤劳的日本人民在东北地区辛苦的耕种,然后可恶的汉族看中了这块土地就把这块土地夺走了。
这是他反复贴的观点,看清楚:China:It is the Han Chinese that attacked Japan first.Japan first got that part of Manchuria from Russia, not from China. The Han Chinese had never ruled Manchuria in their history. Never. Also they hate the Hans. When Qing fell, ROC asked Manchuria, Inner Mongol, Uighur, and Tibet to join. But they all refused.In case you did not know, even though they boast about their five thousand year history, China was first united only less than three thousand years ago, and it was not by the Han Chinese. Since then, China was united for two of the three thousand years, and the Han Chinese only ruled for a total of six hundred years during the Former Han, the Latter Han and Ming. Other dynasties were established by other races or ethnic groups, so Manchuria, Mongol, Uighur and Tibet were never ruled by the Han Chinese.Before the 20th century, China was the name of the land, not of a country: there were just different dynasties or country of different races occupying the land called “China."Even though you may think Panda are Chinese, they were always Tibetan's and never belonged to the Han Chinese in history. If anything, Panda are a symbol of the Han Chinese invasion of Tibet. The Whites are brainwashed and fooled by the Han Chinese.Manchurian IncidentManchuria:Being good horse riders, the people in the northern part of “China" were historically stronger than the Han Chinese militarily. The Great Wall of China was the answer to this by the southern Chinese for their security and survival, but in fact, Manchuria was never ruled by the Han Chinese in its entire history, and it was a land of Manchurians (Jurchens) or their relatives like Mongols. Though the Han Chinese were allowed into the land towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, this region was one of the least populated area in today’s China.However, though as simple as it seems, the issue surrounding the region was so complex that even the Lytton’s report said that the complication is unparalleled like none in the world, and that nobody is entitle to judge anything unless fully aware of the situation.The Great Game:The Great Game came eastward all the way to the Far East. They even fought the Crimean War in Kamchatka Peninsula. So, for the Japanese in the Edo Era, Russians were the biggest threat, appearing in Hokkaido every now and then and at one point taking over Tsushima, only to be returned by the British. Even after the Meiji Restoration, with Nicholai II calling himself the Commodore of the Pacific, they were eager to expand into the Pacific Ocean.Russia had Vladivostok, but its port freezes during the winter. That is why they had set an eye to the Yellow Sea and Liaodong Peninsula where there are some good ports at which today’s North Sea Fleet of People's Liberation Army Navy is stationed.Thus Russia led the Triple Intervention so that Japan had to return the Peninsula which they obtained after the first Sino-Japan War. But soon after that, of course Russia bribed their way to buy from Qing the rights to build the Chinese Eastern Railway to the Peninsula. The British and the US were concerned about this a lot since if it connects to the Trans-Siberian Railway as planned to be completed in 1904, the Russia’s advantage in material transportation to the Far East could change the balance of power in the region, handing over to Russia the mastery of sea in the Pacific.That is why Russo-Japan War broke out in 1904 with the help of the British and the US. That is why the southern part of the Chinese Eastern Railway to the Liaodong Peninsula was taken by the Japanese in the Treaty of Portsmouth with the mediation by the US.Development of Manchu:So Japan took Liaodong Peninsula. But Manchuria at the time was nothing but rugged deserted land just like the western US with poor soil short in phosphor and freezes during winter. Even Dalian was nothing as the Manchurians were land people. Russian started this city (that is why the name Dalian is a part of Russian name meaning Far East) for a few years but it was Japan that developed the entire city. As you can see some photos in internet, the city was just like Shanghai developed by the Sassoon. In the first year alone, Japan invested an equal amount to its national budget.Japan then developed a new-type soybeans, Manchurian soybeans, that could grow on this poor and cold soil, and started running farms in other parts of Manchuria by leasing and buying lands and hiring locals. Japan could have cultivated lands by machines, but instead it hired locals purposely so they could become well off, too. The export of the Manchurian Soybeans to Europe subsequently grew rapidly and Manchuria become the world’s biggest exporter of soybeans that accounted for over 50% of its total export. Soybean oil was first developed here too. Soybeans were grown throughout the region, and within 20 years, the desert of Manchuria became a prosperous green farm land.Japan also developed other agricultural products like wheat but they also developed heavy industries like steel, coal, electricity, petroleum, automobile, airplanes, among other things by investing a huge amount of money.Manchuria became a rich land from nothing.The Incident:Then all of sudden, the Han Chinese started saying it is all theirs and Japan has to go home leaving everything behind for free.On January 1, 1912, ROC established itself following the Xinhan Revolution in 1911. Then Qing Dynasty fell in the following month. But no non-Han Chinese regions, Manchuria, Inner Mongol, Uighur or Tibet wanted to join, and with countless wars and plunders among Kuomintang, CCP, many warlords, bandits were going on, the place was in total turmoil like today’s Syria. As all Japan’s contracts were made with the Qing Dynasty and because there was no Manchurian government, Japan formed new contracts with ROC of Yuan Shikai.However, the Han Chinese started saying this new contract was invalid. Behind this was the Comintern too. Right from the beginning, the Comintern targeted Japan for the following reasons: Japan had monarch; Japan won the Russo-Japan War; Japan intervened Soviet’s revolution in Siberia with the British and others; Soviet wanted Manchuria also. Not only blatant breaches of the agreements such as death penaltieson people leasing lands to Japanese were imposed, crimes like destructions of railways, factories, facilities, and mines, and burglaries were being reported more than ten thousand cases a year. In the name of “Revolution,” they did anything to get Japanese out of the place.Although Japan did not originally have its army in Manchuria like Soviet did, they could not maintain the safety and order, and had to station Kwantung Army in 1919. Incidentally, Kwantung literally means the east of a barrier, specifically meaning the east of the barrier where Great Wall touches Bohai Sea. So by definition, Kwantung Army was not mean to cross the Great Wall.However, crimes and harassment kept on increasing, and in the end, the Manchurian Incident broke out. It was not a cause, but it was a result of what happened in the previous 15 years.Helen Mears, a US historian and an author of “Mirrors of America: Japan” says in her book that Japan can sue ROC with the information collected in the Lytton’s report; the armed force that Japan used in the Incident was no more than other country used for retaliations against China’s crimes and threats. A US diplomat in China, John Van Antwerp MacMurray, says in his book “How the Peace was Lost” that Japan kept all international treaties and it was ROC that broke them, and because US did not treat Japan equally on this matter, it became unbearable for the Japanese. Also another US diplomat Ralph Townsend wrote in his book, “Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China,” that Japan did what we had been thinking we should do; every foreigners in the Far East was on the Japan’s side; everyone scornfully laughed at Stimson who criticized Japan on this; but because newspaper did not report the truth, anti-Japan sentiment grew in the US.Behind all this in Manchuria was Zhang Xueliang who was later found to be a member of Kuomintang, and Timperley was already in China, so of course all the lies were being spread out. But the Incident was not even against the International Law.Manchukuo:One day Puyi, China’s last emperor, escaped into the Japanese Embassy from the Forbidden City, where he was confined after being dethroned. He asked for help. The Han Chinese was keeping him to make it look as if Manchuria belong to ROC. But with all his ancestor graves being destroyed and all the treasures stolen, Puyi really became sick of the Han Chinese and demanded to go back to Manchuria as an emperor. Since then some 700 representatives of Manchurians, Mongols, Koreans, youth, and other groups living in Manchuria got together in Fengtian and decided to found Manchukuo.So the Machukuo was established with the help of the Japanese government but all of its ministers and politicians were Manchurians. And with the return of the emperor, all the robbers, bulgars and the like got together under him, and soon the order was restored in Manchuria.Some people call it a puppet state. But if this was a puppet state, what about all the Latin American and Caribbean countries of the time supported by US? What about Hawaii? What about India supported by the British? The truth is that it was a country all Manchurian wanted and welcomed.After the War in Tokyo Trial, Puyi testified that he did not want to be an emperor and the whole thing was forced by the Japanese. But at the time he was kept in Soviet’s concentration camp; escorted by Soviet’s soldiers; and was taken back to the camp. He later wrote in his memoir that he hid the truth in the Tokyo Trial. Also in “Twilight in the Forbidden City” written by Reginald F. Johnston, a Puyi’s personal teacher, Johnston says that Puyi wanted to found his own country. This is a first class primary source evidence.Lytton’s report:Right or left, and Great Powers or Japanese, they more or less all agree that the report written by the Lytton Commission was thorough and good, but except for its conclusion. The report literally says that just about everything Japan said is right, and respects all its rights in Manchuria. But in its conclusions, it suggests the Manchukuo to be under the control of the League of Nations.Of course, the League of Nations was heavily controlled by the Great Powers and the members of Lytton Commission were all commanders of European countries, so in a way, this conclusion was understandable. But for the Japanese it was not acceptable. At the time, the Japanese politicians were pacifists and the Kwantung Army was aggressive. But it was really the media that fueled the whole thing everyday.One of the communists and a Soviet spy arrested in the Sorge Incident was a Japanese journalist, Hotsumi Ozaki, at the leading newspaper company, Asahi Shinbun, who was executed in jail. He was also a brain to the Prime Minister Konoe, but previously he stationed in China as an analyst of Asahi for the Manchurian Railway.Marco-Polo Bridge Incident:If the name of your game is truth rather than propaganda, you should look into what the Comintern and CCP were doing behind all this.On July 25, 1935, at the 7th Comintern meeting, they decided to target Japan in Asia, especially the Japanese troops in China. In the following month, CCP announced "August 1 Declaration” and started acting against Japan. Their objective was to pit Japan against Kuomintang so both gets exhausted for a later communist revolution, and this is why they released Chang-kai Shek in December 1936, whom they captured in the Xi'an Incident.Upon release by CCP after talking with Zhou Enlai, Chang-kai Shek returned to Nanking, and soon changed Kuomintang’s fundamental policies as follows: one, abandoning the unification policy of China; two, concluding a cease-fire with CCP; three, replacing pro-Japan high-rank officers in Kuomintang (Chang-kai Shek himself was first pro-Japan as he studied abroad in Japan for several years); four, preparing for a war against Japan by raising funds from overseas including millions of dollars from Stalin.Then the Marco-Polo Bridge Incident happened in July 7, 1937. Chinese blame Japan shot first while Japanese blamed the Chinese. But as decided before, it was the top priority for CCP to make Japan fight against Kuomintang while there was no incentive for Japan for this, and actually Japan did have a command not to aggress into China.However, a cease-fire agreement was soon reached between Kuomintang and Japan. But immediately after that, a series of many provocative incidents by Chinese happened again in succession including Dahongmen Incident on July 13, whereby four Japanese soldiers were killed; Tungchow mutiny on July 29, whereby 223 Japanese civilians were tortured and massacred in the most cruelest way; Oyama Incident on August 9, whereby a Japanese first lieutenant Oyama was assassinated.If you google some photos of Tungchow mutiny, you will see most cruel Chinese traditional methods of killing people, and they are the same methods as the ones used in what they call “Nanking Massacre.”But Japan did not still retaliate.Then finally on August 13, Chang-kai Shek attacked the Japanese Settlement in Shanghai with 50,000 Kuomintang soldiers, and this triggered Japan to fight back.Apology by Japan:Legally, it was not invasion. Massacre and rapes are fabrications for which you cannot show any legit primary source evidence.However, crimes do happen in any wars.Japan formally apologized to China over 40 times. Both Mao Zedong and Zhou En-lai accepted the Japanese apology in 1973 in "The Joint Communiqué of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China,” and this was the basis upon which all the subsequent economic and technological assistances that Japan provided to China were made.However, CCP keeps secret about this to its people and overseas. Even today, after 70 years of the War, almost no Chinese know about this, and Japan is still paying over 150 millions dollars every year. This is also secret.Has any Western country governments done this to other countries that they enslaved?Or even apologized?Korea:Japan did NOT invade Korea. Korea was so poor, miserable and hopeless that they asked Japan to annex and modernize.The country had poor soil, unproductive population and no resources that there was no appeal for its neighbouring countries to colonize apart from national security, geopolitical or transportational reasons. If fact, in every single year during the annexation, Japan spent so much money on the Peninsula except in the year of the Great Depression. It was a huge burden of net negative cash flows.Plus, for the annexation, there was no war, and it was a sign deal, which the internationally community accepted.Prior to this, Korea’s biggest political party at the time, Iljinhoe (一進会 or 일진회), whose official number of its members totaled 800,000 to one million, said that Korea could not deveop capitalism on its own, and issued a proclamation on Dec. 4, 1909 demanding a merger with the Japanese Empire.Koreans changed their minds AFTER the War, and tried to illegalize the deal. However, their claims have been declined in an international academic conference held in Harvard University in December 2008.Professor J. Crawford of Cambridge University who specializes in the Inernational Law stated at the conference that in view of the international order of the time, it was not rare for a neighboring country to annex a nation that could not sustain by itself, and that the Japanese annexation of Korea was not illegal.It was also revealed at the conference that the Korean Emperor, Gojong, was actually in favor of becoming a protectorate of Japan in 1905 and dismissed opposing opinions expressed by some ministers, according to his diary and other Korean official documents such as 日省録 and 承政院日記.It was also confirmed that even though the agreement for the annexation was not signed by the Korean Emperor, it was signed by Korea's ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, and this suffices the requirements of the International Law.Historically, since the time of Yuan Dynasty in China, Korea was a tributary state of China for almost one thousand years. However, as the Qing Dynasty got weaker, Russia was attempting to get control over them to have access to Korea’s unfreezing ports for their expansion into the Pacific Ocean.Korea to Japan is just like Cuba to the US geologically, a knife pointing to its neck. Thus, in order to stabilize the security of the region, Japan made Korea independent after the first Sino-Japan War with the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and supported the country. Incidently, this is when the Korea’s King became an Emperor, since being a kng in Asia meant that his country is a tributary state of China.However, having been a dependency of China for such a long time, Korea could not stand up by themselves, leading into a hopeless state where they had to be annexed to get modernized.If you want to know how Koreans used to live BEFORE the annexation, you can read books written by westerners who visited there. There are at least a half dozen of them with the most famous one being "Korea and Her Neighbors" by an English travelor, Isabella Bird. She says that Seoul was the dirtiest and smelliest place on Earth, and even in the main streets there were not cultural things like restaurants, tea houses, theaters, or even shops.A US historian, Helen Mears says in her book “Mirror for Americans: Japan” that as far as I can see from these official records, I don’t see why Japan has to be accused of enslaving Korea. If this was enslaving, the Britain would be guilty of accomplice and the US be guilty of accessory. All that Japan did to Korea was legally conducted as an ally of the UK. They were in accordance with the international rules and the highest code of conducts of that time. Not only that, these rules and codes were not set up by the Japanese, but were set up by the West, especially the British.

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