Pro Music : All You Need To Know About Getting Music On The Internet这个合法数字音乐服务的列表在Pro-Music信息资源网站上可以找到(Pro Music : All You Need To Know About Getting Music On The Internet),是最全面的全球合法音乐服务的目录。
列表中涵盖了100多个国家和地区范围内约500* 家合法音乐服务。
PS.这个是根据IFPI(国际唱片业协会)来认定的,原文可看这个网站底部的一段说明:This is a list of legal online music services from around the world that offer music as a download, stream or ringtone. The list is compiled by IFPI based on information supplied by its local industry groups and is not and does not purport to be exhaustive. IFPI endeavours to keep the information on this website updated, but IFPI does not guarantee the accuracy of the information supplied. If you are a legal online music service and are not included in this list or wish to update or amend your listing, please click here and contact the industry group in your country.

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