某外国琴友总结出来28条理由,证明吉他比女朋友强,如果您有同感请默默的点点头,发给别人看的时候一定要屏蔽自己的女朋友or老婆啊~28个理由中英对照1.Guitars don't get pregnant.吉他不会怀孕2.You can play your Guitar any time of the month.在每一个月的每一天你都可以弹它3.Guitars don't have parents.吉他没有父母4.Guitars don't whine… unless you want them to.吉他不会抱怨,除非你希望它这么做5.You can share your Guitar with your friends.你可以和朋友分享你的吉他6.Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you've played吉他不在乎你之前弹过多少把吉他7.Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you have.吉他不在乎你现在拥有多少把吉他8.Guitars don't care if you look at other Guitars.吉他不在乎你盯着另一把吉他看9.Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines.吉他不在乎你买吉他杂志10.You'll never hear, “Surprise, you are going to proud father of a new Guitar” unless you go out to buy one yourself.你永远不会听到”有个大惊喜!你是新吉他的爸爸!” 除非你自己决定去买一把11.If your Guitar is flat you can fix it for less than $3000.3000元以内可以修好琴弦打品,却不够修搓衣板12.Your Guitar doesn't care if you never listen to it.吉他不在乎你不听它说话13.Your Guitar won't care if you leave up the toilet seat.吉他不在乎你上完厕所不放下马桶坐垫14.You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your Guitar.你不需要忌妒玩你吉他的人15.If you say bad things to your Guitar, you don't have to apologize before you play it again.如果你对吉他发火,再次弹它前你不需要先道歉16.You can play your Guitar as long as you want and it won't get sore.无论弹多久,吉他也不会感到疼17.You can stop playing your Guitar as soon as you want and it won't get frustrated.你可以随时停止弹你的吉他,而不会感到挫折18.Your parents won't remain in touch with your old Guitar after you dump it.你的父母不会跟被抛弃的旧吉他保持联系19.Guitars don't get headaches.吉他不会头疼20.Guitars don't insult you if you're a bad player.即使你弹得不好,吉他也不会轻蔑你21.Your Guitar never wants a night out with the other Guitars.吉他晚上不会想和其他吉他出去玩22.Guitars don't care if you're late.吉他不在乎你迟到23.You don't have to take a shower before you play your Guitar.弹吉他前你不需要先洗澡24.If your Guitar doesn't look good you can refinish it or get new parts.如果你的吉他不好看,你可以修补漆或换新零件25.You can play your Guitar the first time you meet it, without having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother.你可以在第一次看到你的新吉他时就弹它,而不需要先带它去吃烛光晚餐、看电影、或见它妈妈26.The only protection you have to wear when playing your Guitar is a decent thumb pick.在弹你的吉他时,唯一需要的保护只是个合适的大拇指套27.When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great time you had the last time you played your Guitar.在公司里,你可以与同事尽情谈论上次弹吉他的美好时光28.If you decide to part with an old Guitar, you don't have to give up half of everything you own.如果你决定丢掉一把旧吉他,你不需要放弃半数你目前拥有的东西想学吉他?想看更多精彩弹唱?想知道更多吉他弹奏技巧?赶快我们,进入《吉他之家》,这里的精彩无与伦比!
- 夏天的风 姑娘 老男孩 理想三旬 月半小夜曲 生日快乐 其实 那些年 光阴的故事 少年 后来遇见他 那女孩对我说 世界这么大还是遇见你 火红的萨日朗 想见你想见你想见你 冬眠 关键词 芒种 往后余生 关山酒 年轮说 小镇姑娘 烟雨行舟 记念 你笑起来真好看 来自天堂的魔鬼 学猫叫 你的酒馆对我打了烊 不仅仅是喜欢 浪人琵琶 卡路里 带你去旅行 红昭愿 纸短情长 最美的期待 体面 小跳蛙 悬溺 侧脸 山楂树之恋 我的名字 失眠飞行 有可能的夜晚 追光者 请先说你好 流浪 东西 星球坠落 我的将军啊 烟火里的尘埃 答案 心如止水 我们不一样 嘴巴嘟嘟 晴天 成都 告白气球 南山南 女儿情 天空之城